Thursday, June 16, 2011

Vamp Global Mission's Education Programs

Vamp Global Mission’s Education Programs

Vamp Global Mission is well known for its work around the globe in environmental education, community development, integrated literacy, small enterprise development, education and prevention and care, and refugee training. Vamp Global Mission also works to strengthen literacy and adult basic education programs in the United States. Projects are designed to contribute to individual growth, as well as to community and national development.
  • Mastering the Interview
  • Presentation Survival School
  • Emotional Intelligence Building
  • Your Self Esteem and Assertiveness Skills
  • Communication Strategies
  • Working Smarter
  • Customer Service Training Critical Elements of Customer Service
  • Skills for the Administrative Assistant
  • The Minute Takers Workshop
  • Business Etiquette
  • Creating a Dynamite Job Portfolio -Getting Your Job Search Started
  • Speak Easy Conquering Your Fear of Speaking in Public
  • Time Management: Get Organized for Peak Performance
  • Business Writing that Works
  • Conflict Resolution: Dealing with Difficult People
  • Public Speaking: Speaking Under Pressure
  • Writing Reports and Proposals
  • Time Management: Get Organised for Peak Performance

Vamp Global Mission is dedicated to promoting empowerment of people, protection of the environment, and respect for cultural diversity.
The organisation focuses it’s funding on committed, grass roots organisations that rely strongly on volunteer efforts mission is to unlock the potential of the people to build and sustain healthy communities. To strengthen and expand philanthropy. Through community partnerships Empowering children, women and families to achieve lifelong successes is to expand opportunities and enhance the quality of life of children and young adults to empower women and their families to initiate personal and social change initiatives that promote women's leadership. Vamp Global Mission Core Value is Loyalty, Humility and Determination...

Vamp Global Mission    

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Public speaking is a fantastic communication skill. If done correctly it can be an effective way of getting your message out there, so why not become a pro?

Public speaking is a fantastic communication skill. If done correctly it can be an effective way of getting your message out there, so why not become a pro?

Following are some simple tips that will give you that public speaking edge.

Step 1: planning/preparation

Before you begin writing your speech, it is important that you know and understand all the practical details of the public speaking situation that you are about to enter.

Knowledge of the occasion

The content, tone and length of your speech should be shaped according to the nature of the occasion at which you will be speaking. So before you start writing it’s a good idea to think about things like:

  • whether you are speaking at an academic, celebratory or solemn occasion;
  • whether you are the only speaker at the event or whether you are one of several; and
  • at what stage of the proceedings you will be speaking.

Knowledge of your audience

Understanding your audience is an essential ingredient to writing a successful speech, as you need to communicate your message to this specific group of people. The type of speech that appeals to and is appropriate for one type of audience may not be the case for another. In light of this, understanding your audience will help you to decide the best way to deliver your message. Before you begin writing, it is a good idea to think about whether your audience is:
  • young or old
  • High or low income
  • educated or uneducated
  • Australian or foreign?


Practice, practice, practice! Practice in front of the mirror, practice in front of friends and family, record your speech and play it back to yourself. Knowing your material is essential to public speaking success. Practice runs of your speech will be most beneficial if you make them as realistic as possible. You can do this by;
  • dressing in what you plan to wear on the day
  • using the speech aids and visual aids that you intend to use; and
  • sticking to the time limit that you have been given.

Arrive early

Arriving early to the occasion is a must for any public speaker. Allowing yourself this extra time, gives you the chance to familiarise yourself with both the audience and venue, and check up on significant details such as: 
  • the size and shape of the room
  • whether or not there is a podium
  • whether there is a microphone
  • the type of technical assistance that is available to you.
By doing this you are not only taking some of the uncertainty out of your public speaking experience, but you are also reducing your chances of running in to any technical difficulties. 

Step 2: delivery

As I mentioned before, the ultimate purpose of any speech – is to communicate your message to your audience. There is no use knowing all there is to know about a subject, if you don’t know how to communicate it effectively. As a result the success of your speech very much depends on how well it is delivered.


The language you use should be comfortable for both you and the audience. It’s a good idea to avoid bookish language or technical jargon. Rather use words that are natural to you and phrases that are understood by all.

Get to the point

The expression ‘less is more’ is very relevant to public speaking. It is important not to tell the audience everything you know, rather tell the audience what it is that they need to know. Being able to select the best and most relevant information to include in your speech is an invaluable skill. However be careful—picking and choosing what is to be included in your speech does not mean that your speech should only deliver half the story. A good speech delivers the whole story but in a manner that is quick, clear and understandable. 

Add variety

A great way to engage your audience and maintain their attention is by delivering information in a way that they can relate to. When writing your speech try to think of how you can bring your topic back to the everyday. By simply dropping in a few anecdotes and using practical examples to illustrate a point, you will make it easier for your audience to understand complex issues and to actually remember what it is that you have said!

Introducing a bit of humour is a sure way to win over an audience, but if you’re not a funny person you should probably give this a miss. There’s nothing worse than an uncomfortable silence after a punch line!


When delivering a speech, how you say something can be just as important as what you say. No matter how interesting your speech may be, speaking in a monotone is a sure way of putting your audience to sleep. In light of this, it is important that you vary the pitch and character of your voice so that it complements and emphasises what it is you are trying to say. 


Sticking to a steady pace can be challenging for some speakers, especially if they are nervous. When delivering your speech, make a conscious effort to speak slowly and clearly.


Speaking at a good volume is another important factor. Your voice should be loud enough so that it carries to the back wall, but not too loud so you are shouting at the audience!

Body language & gestures

Much of communication comes through body language. How you hold yourself carries a very strong message, so when making a speech, it is important to be aware of it and use it to your advantage. 

  • Posture—if there is a podium, do not use it to lean forward, this can be intimidating to an audience, however it is equally as important not to lean backwards either. It is best to maintain a relaxed but upright posture. Keep your feet firmly grounded with your legs shoulder width apart, this will help you to keep your balance.

  • Make an effort to be aware of what you do with your hands. Hands are prone to fidgeting and have a tendency to take on a life of their own, so it is important that you keep them under control. Exactly where they should be placed is another consideration; for starters do not put your hands in your pockets—you’ll sound like a change machine and look like you have a bad attitude. Don’t place them behind your back either—you will look too formal as well as feeling unnatural. It is best to leave your arms comfortably by your side allowing them the freedom to gesture.

  • Gesturing with your head and arms is part and parcel of communicating. It is the way in which we add life and emphasis to the spoken word, so it is only natural that they play an important role in public speaking. While gestures can be useful to emphasise a particular point, it is important that they be kept natural/spontaneous. Over-exaggerated or forced gestures can work to your disadvantage, for you are in danger of distracting the audience and therefore detracting from what you are saying.

  • Dress—your physical appearance can shape first impressions and so should be an important consideration before making your speech. Be sure that you are wearing something that is comfortable for both you and the audience. It is not a good idea to be standing in front of an audience dressed in a pair of jeans that are painfully small or in a hot pink tank top that is painful to look at. When it comes to clothing, simplicity is the key. Opt for neutral tones and simple cuts. After all, your audience should be focused on what you are saying not on what you are wearing.

  • Eye contact—ask any expert and they’ll guarantee that making and maintaining eye contact with your audience is an essential element of good public speaking. This simple tool works wonders on the audience—by engaging their attention at the start of the speech and securing their interest and respect throughout.

Speech aids

A definite “don’t” for public speaking is to read from a script of your entire speech. No matter how well you know it, or how many times you have practiced, when standing in front of an audience the temptation to read it out word for word is very powerful. It is also very likely to result in a loss of eye-contact with your audience and therefore loss of their attention. 

If you require a speech aid, the best option is to write a skeleton of your thoughts on 3 x 5 palm cards. These cards should be filled with key points or topic sentences that jog/stimulate your memory and help to guide you through your speech. 

Visual aids

A picture speaks a thousand words, so the use of visual aids such as projectors or power point can be a great technique to help you convey your message more powerfully. However a few words of caution:
  • make sure you speak to your audience and not to your slides
  • do not swamp your audience with images, remember, the slides are there to support your speech and not the other way around
  • before you begin, make sure the slides can be seen clearly from every seat in the room.

Controlling nerves

So far as fears go, public speaking ranks right up there with the worst of them. Some people go so far as to say they would rather die than give a speech in public. If you are someone that suffers from nerves, focusing on these anxieties is unproductive. For you, the best way forward is to think up strategies to control those nerves, so that they don’t control you. It is important that you find the relaxation technique that works best for you such as positive visualisation or deep breathing. 

Some quick tips

  • Don’t drink too much caffeine before giving your speech—it tends to give people the shakes and nerves will make this worse.
  • Preparation prevents panic—knowing your material well will really boost your confidence
  • If you make a mistake don’t worry. The chances are the audience didn’t notice. If it is obvious, don’t apologise, simply make the correction and continue with the rest of your speech.
  • Remember—no matter how large an audience seems—it is made up of individuals.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Telemarketing Tips Author: Susie Wilson

Telemarketing Tips Author: Susie Wilson

Telemarketing Tips
By Susie WilsonTelemarketing Tips

Nothing is more direct than a phone call. The problem is, no marketing means is more demanding for your employees (or yourself). Bottom line? Not everybody can be good at telemarketing. Effective telemarketing campaigns are targeted to customers and prospects who are most likely to respond. They broaden the names of your products, services, or company to the prospects you want to reach. The campaigns are also designed to trigger a favourable response. The question is, when putting together a telemarketing campaign, what type of program works best for you?

There are generally two types of telemarketing programs:

       Î¸   One that generates a sale or close
       Î¸   One that generates a request for more information.

Which one works for your company, of course, depends upon what type of product or service you are selling. It may be possible to sell your products or services right over the phone. Or it could require an additional appointment for a demonstration with a salesperson.

The type of product or service, its complexity, and whether it is hard to sell or not, will also determine the type of telemarketing program you should develop. So when planning your campaign, keep in mind all these factors.

Generally, if the product or service is relatively inexpensive and can be demonstrated easily, use the telemarketing campaign as a way of "selling" appointments or even, conclude the sale right over the phone!

If the product or service is expensive, the people involved in its purchase generally require more information before they purchase it or even consent to a demonstration. In these cases, you may want to design a campaign that triggers a request for more information.

You must also keep in mind that the more expensive the item you are selling, the higher up on the chain of command the decision-maker will be. That person could be the president of the company, the vice president, or the chief financial officer, etc. A telemarketing program designed to connect with these influencers could start with calls to determine who the proper decision-maker would be, and if they were willing to receive more information on the product or service you are providing.

Then there is the simple telemarketing campaign ostensibly presented just as a method to update your prospect database. By just calling to verify addresses, you remind your customers of the firm, and they took it upon themselves to call in orders. No hard sell involved.

This simple little campaign provide an additional bonus, too. By updating and paring down the prospect database, you are able to save hundreds of dollars in postage and production for your next direct mail or email campaign.

Always leave a message!
You are calling a prospect again to remind him or her of your services. You ended into a voice mail again, just like you were the last time you called. And the time before that. And the time before that. What should you do?

Leave another message? Hang up and try again next week with the hopes of finally getting through to a real person?

Leave a message. Pleasant persistence always wins. Leave a message on voice mail just often enough to remind your prospect of your services or product. But don’t call so often that you actually are making a nuisance of yourself.

Why Should You Leave A Message?
For one thing, you are gaining recognition for your product or services. You may not get through to your prospect this time or next, but the information you leave will.

For another, you are building rapport with your prospect even if you are not making direct contact. Your continued calling will convince your prospect that your are consistent, and persistent.

Finally, you are being informative. One of your products or services might be a sales item. You need to let your prospect know this so he or she has an opportunity to take advantage of the discount.

Keep your Messages short
Otherwise, you may very well be perceived as being the intolerable nuisance you think you are becoming. Instead, keep your message short.

Tell most of the important information first. Mentioning the benefits your services or product will provide first and then how to contact you.

At the end of the message, leave your phone number and/or website address. Repeat Susie Wilson, Vamp Global Mission Limited, and phone number one more time out of courtesy to the prospect so he or she doesn’t have to repeat the message… In case your prospect finally decides to pick up the phone and return your call. And they will!

what size of database do I need?
Normally, an agent can make 15-20 attempted call in an hour and you want to plan to make phone calls for at least 3 hours but no more than 5 hours a day. So for each day, plan to have 60 to 100 contacts to call.

What is telemarketing success?
Usually, telemarketing has about a 5-10% success ratio. To track your success keep record of your phone calls . How many calls were made. How many no's. How many yes's and how many call backs. From this information, you will be able to draw your own conclusions about what approach is the most profitable for you.

Make "No" a Positive Experience
It is difficult to accent the positive when you are telemarketing your own services/products. Telemarketing can be a frustrating task. Statistically, a 10% response rate is an outstanding result – even when it is being performed by professional telemarketers. So you must prepare yourself to hear "No thank you" a lot. Here's how:

1.     1.      Don't Overwork Yourself
First, and most important, don’t get on the phone more than five hours a day. Any longer than that will make the experience frustrating (even if you incorporate the following proven tips).

1.     2.      Give Yourself A Break, Or Two, Or Three

1.     1.            Take a 10 minute break after the first hour of calls.
2.     2.            Take another 10 minute break after the next hour and a half. And so on.

Structuring breaks into your phone schedule gives you a much better edge psychologically. Not only can your mind, to say nothing of your voice, use the rest, you will find yourself compartmentalizing your work schedule into three or four goal-oriented phone sessions a day, rather than view it as one, long, exhausting day on the phone. (See the difference?) Also, if you're behind schedule or want to get home early, don't try to tough it out and skip a break or two. You'll be much more effective on the phone if you allow yourself time to rest on a regular basis.

1.     3.      Each 'No' Is Another Step Closer to 'Yes'
We're not talking about turning each 'No' into a 'Yes.' We're just putting the negative response in proper perspective. Always remember that it’s a numbers game!

Like we said before, telemarketing yields a 5% to 10% positive response rate. Two wrongs don't make a right, but nine 'no's do statistically yield a 'yes.' Every 'No thank you' you hear is an expected response that you can mark down as part of an ongoing process. If you dial the phone knowing that, on average, every tenth person you talk with will respond positively. You then eliminate the frustration and have a goal to work towards.

It will also make you a more confident and effective telemarketer. How? Simple. When you do talk with the one-in-ten respondent who replies with a, "Sure, I'll be glad to schedule a meeting with you (or buy your product)," you won't be or sound surprised. Just professional.  And when you're on the phone conducting business, you definitely want to sound confident and professional.

How TO DEVELOP A Telemarketing Script- By Susie Wilson

HOW TO DEVELOP A Telemarketing Script- By Susie Wilson

HOW TO DEVELOP A Telemarketing Script

HOW TO DEVELOP A Telemarketing Script

A Telemarketing Script Will Keep You on Track
With telemarketing, you need to get your message across, avoid being distracted by your listener, and keep control of the conversation. Scripting your calls beforehand enables you to accomplish these goals.

Creating Your Script

       1.            Start by ALWAYS stating who your are, what company you represent, and why you are calling.
       2.            Then state the benefit(s) your listener will get, and ask permission to talk about your product or services in more detail.
       3.            Provide more details about your product or services.
       4.            Keep the presentation short, keep it positive, and conclude with an action item if appropriate.

Types of Scripts

There are four basic types of scripts. The complexity of the sales message determines which type will best fit your needs:

1.    1.      Verbatim Script:  Callers follow the presentation word for word. However, they don’t always use the words in exactly the same way in each call. Allow callers some room for creativity. Verbatim scripts are ideal for consumer calls, survey calls, and simple business-to-business transactions. Using such a script results in lower differences from time to time.

1.    2.      Outline Script: This script combines verbatim dialogue (such as introductory and closing statements) with key questions and their possible responses. These scripts are often used in complex situations where there’s a possibility that a call might branch off in several different directions.

1.    3.      Guided Script:  Also known as dialogue or prompt scripts, this script allows the caller to establish a relationship with the customer. Guided scripts train callers to discuss, rather than to read, by telling them what must be accomplished during each part of the call. The introduction, benefit statements, and closing are often scripted. The main portion of the call presents suggested questions and responses as well as rebuttals for typical objections.

1.    4.      Call-Plan Script:  Used by callers who speak to their customers on an on-going basis, this script usually contains objectives of the call, commitments required of the prospects, key questions to ask, a closing, and the next actions to be taken. This helps a caller control the call, direct its outcome, and  achieve the necessary goals. Telemarketing can be an effective way to introduce new products, conduct market research, obtain appointments to make a presentation, and to sell products. When you plan these types of calls, consider using a written script. Use scripts to:

• Help callers plan and control the progress and contents of their calls
• Guarantee consistency of results and the delivery of a standard message
• Facilitate training and testing
• Encourage focus

Without a script, you risk repetition, omissions, inconsistencies, and poor quality. Whatever script you use, be sure to clearly tell the customer up front who you are, what your product or service will do for them, and why they should buy from you and not your competitors.

Script-Writing Guidelines

• Think visually.
• Encourage dialogue with the customer.
• Listen to your callers’ script suggestions.
• Continue to test and revise your script.
• Answer the first question in your customer’s mind, “What’s in it for me?”
• Use short sentences.
• Build empathy. (Ask with sincerity, “How are you doing?”)
• At the end of a call, always confirm the order, or repeat the customer commitment.
• Show concern for the customer first, then position the sale.
• Provide pauses in the script.
• Use motivating language.
• Script all warranties, payments, guarantees, liability, and regulatory information.
• Use the four Cs: clear, concise, conversational, convincing.
• Verify the customer’s name and address twice (at the beginning and end of the conversation).

Following Your Script

1.    1.            Your script is a guide, not an actual speech. It should contain all your relevant talking points in an order that will bring you and your listener to a positive conclusion or action.
2.    2.            When making your presentation, don't follow your script so closely that you sound stilted or, dare we say it, scripted. Be flexible enough with your presentation to sound natural and attentive to your listener.

Handling Objections

1.    1.            A script helps you stay focused when objections arise, and provides you a logical point to re-enter your presentation.
2.    2.            When an objection arises, don't repeat the objection. (Remember, your goal is to keep the conversation positive.) Take a moment to answer the objection, then find an appropriate place in your script to resume.
3.    3.            Make sure you end with a positive statement, and if appropriate, an action item for your listener (or for you!) to follow.
4.            Also, don't forget to thank your listener. 

Friday, September 3, 2010

Some Etiquette tips for face to face meetings

Some Etiquette Tips:

Etiquette, and manners is one of the few things in our lives over which we have control.
If one has perfect manners one will always be an asset to your Image, and may even be your insurance policy against discrimination or ridicule. Etiquette facilitates trust between strangers and minimises offence.

Do not be afraid to ask someone with experience of a particular occasion for etiquette advice.
It shows a sign of maturity and certain responsibility, not ignorance. Much of the traditional etiquette rules are no longer taught at school or even in the home.
In today’s more relaxed culture, some of the rules are bent at times, however, if one is prepared to follow the rules, one will give people the impression that you are respectful of them and their time.
Some general etiquette rules people need to know for networking and dining.

Order of Introduction:
Traditional conventions of introductions are that the gentlemen are introduced to the ladies, junior colleagues are introduced to senior colleagues, and a person of a lesser rank is introduced to a person of greater rank.
When in doubt, use the title and surname.
There is an order of importance when making an introduction. An easy way to remember is to say the name the person with the most authority first.

When introducing two people to each other, you do need to remember precedence (the order in which people are addressed, greeted, introduced, referred, seated and served.)
In both formal and informal social settings, women have precedence over men; older people over younger (as long as they are the same gender); smaller groups usually over larger groups.

Senior executives have precedence over junior executives.  If there is two of the same rank, defer to the one with seniority.
Clients and customers have precedence over fellow associates, regardless of rank.
When making introductions always remember to:

1. Determine the order of precedence.
2. Say the most distinguished person's first and last name or title and last name, first, while looking at him or her.  Use appropriate names and titles.
3. Choose appropriate introductions, for example: Formal - "Rev. Jones, may I present...Mr. Smith", Business or social - "Ms. Green, May I introduce...Mr. White"; or
"Mr. Client, I would like to introduce...Mr. Co-Worker"; Casual - "Susan Smith, this is...Bob Jones", may appear unsophisticated, especially in a business setting.
4. Always stand for introductions and make eye contact.
5. Always introduce people by their preferential name.
The way we meet and greet them creates lasting impressions and paves the way for a productive encounter. Introductions project information. Besides the obvious elements of name, title, and affiliation, an introduction conveys a level of respect and reflects how the person making the introduction views the other person's status. Mastering the art of the introduction will help put you and the people you are introducing at ease. Learning the basics - and they are not very difficult - is the first step.
The most important point about introductions is to make them. Failing to do so causes embarrassment and discomfort. If given a choice, most people would prefer you to make the introduction incorrectly, even if you forgot their name, rather than stand there unacknowledged and disregarded.
A second important point in any introduction is the order of names. The name of the person being introduced is mentioned last, and the person to whom the introduction is made is mentioned first. The rules for who is introduced to whom depend on whether it's a business or a social introduction.
Business Introductions: In business, introductions are based on power and hierarchy. Simply, persons of lesser authority are introduced to persons of greater authority. Gender plays no role in business etiquette; nor does it affect the order of introductions.
For example, you would say, "Mr./Ms. Greater Authority, I would like to introduce Mr./Ms. Lesser Authority." However, the person holding the highest rank may not be Mr./Ms. Greater Authority.

 A client, for instance, always takes precedence over anyone in your organisation, as does an elected official. Here are examples of pecking order:

The Etiquette of introductions is to be respectful and to help people start conversations.
Once you know the conventions, you can then understand when it is appropriate to follow them and when not to. When in doubt, start formal. "You will never be penalised for having good manners."

Etiquette Tips

Susie Wilson is the principal of The Susie Wilson Image Group.

The different Faces of a Women

The Many faces of a Women


Faces of A Women

The Faces of a Women.

The characterisation of a person as “beautiful”, whether on an individual basis or by community consensus, is often based on some combination of Inner Beauty, which includes psychological factors such as personality,intelligence, grace, politeness, charisma, and  elegance, and Outer Beauty, (i.e. physical attractiveness) which includes physical factors, such as health, youthfulness, and complexion.
Standards of beauty are always evolving, based on what a culture considers valuable. Historical paintings show a wide range of different standards for beauty. However, humans who are relatively young, with smooth skin, well-proportioned bodies, and regular features, have traditionally been considered to be the most beautiful throughout history.

Smiles, Susie

In my view, one of the biggest challenges that women face.: Gender equality

In my view, one of the biggest challenges that women face.: Gender equality: " Gender equality (also known as gender equity, gender egalitarianism, or sexual equality) is the goal of the equality ..."