Monday, January 10, 2011

How TO DEVELOP A Telemarketing Script- By Susie Wilson

HOW TO DEVELOP A Telemarketing Script- By Susie Wilson

HOW TO DEVELOP A Telemarketing Script

HOW TO DEVELOP A Telemarketing Script

A Telemarketing Script Will Keep You on Track
With telemarketing, you need to get your message across, avoid being distracted by your listener, and keep control of the conversation. Scripting your calls beforehand enables you to accomplish these goals.

Creating Your Script

       1.            Start by ALWAYS stating who your are, what company you represent, and why you are calling.
       2.            Then state the benefit(s) your listener will get, and ask permission to talk about your product or services in more detail.
       3.            Provide more details about your product or services.
       4.            Keep the presentation short, keep it positive, and conclude with an action item if appropriate.

Types of Scripts

There are four basic types of scripts. The complexity of the sales message determines which type will best fit your needs:

1.    1.      Verbatim Script:  Callers follow the presentation word for word. However, they don’t always use the words in exactly the same way in each call. Allow callers some room for creativity. Verbatim scripts are ideal for consumer calls, survey calls, and simple business-to-business transactions. Using such a script results in lower differences from time to time.

1.    2.      Outline Script: This script combines verbatim dialogue (such as introductory and closing statements) with key questions and their possible responses. These scripts are often used in complex situations where there’s a possibility that a call might branch off in several different directions.

1.    3.      Guided Script:  Also known as dialogue or prompt scripts, this script allows the caller to establish a relationship with the customer. Guided scripts train callers to discuss, rather than to read, by telling them what must be accomplished during each part of the call. The introduction, benefit statements, and closing are often scripted. The main portion of the call presents suggested questions and responses as well as rebuttals for typical objections.

1.    4.      Call-Plan Script:  Used by callers who speak to their customers on an on-going basis, this script usually contains objectives of the call, commitments required of the prospects, key questions to ask, a closing, and the next actions to be taken. This helps a caller control the call, direct its outcome, and  achieve the necessary goals. Telemarketing can be an effective way to introduce new products, conduct market research, obtain appointments to make a presentation, and to sell products. When you plan these types of calls, consider using a written script. Use scripts to:

• Help callers plan and control the progress and contents of their calls
• Guarantee consistency of results and the delivery of a standard message
• Facilitate training and testing
• Encourage focus

Without a script, you risk repetition, omissions, inconsistencies, and poor quality. Whatever script you use, be sure to clearly tell the customer up front who you are, what your product or service will do for them, and why they should buy from you and not your competitors.

Script-Writing Guidelines

• Think visually.
• Encourage dialogue with the customer.
• Listen to your callers’ script suggestions.
• Continue to test and revise your script.
• Answer the first question in your customer’s mind, “What’s in it for me?”
• Use short sentences.
• Build empathy. (Ask with sincerity, “How are you doing?”)
• At the end of a call, always confirm the order, or repeat the customer commitment.
• Show concern for the customer first, then position the sale.
• Provide pauses in the script.
• Use motivating language.
• Script all warranties, payments, guarantees, liability, and regulatory information.
• Use the four Cs: clear, concise, conversational, convincing.
• Verify the customer’s name and address twice (at the beginning and end of the conversation).

Following Your Script

1.    1.            Your script is a guide, not an actual speech. It should contain all your relevant talking points in an order that will bring you and your listener to a positive conclusion or action.
2.    2.            When making your presentation, don't follow your script so closely that you sound stilted or, dare we say it, scripted. Be flexible enough with your presentation to sound natural and attentive to your listener.

Handling Objections

1.    1.            A script helps you stay focused when objections arise, and provides you a logical point to re-enter your presentation.
2.    2.            When an objection arises, don't repeat the objection. (Remember, your goal is to keep the conversation positive.) Take a moment to answer the objection, then find an appropriate place in your script to resume.
3.    3.            Make sure you end with a positive statement, and if appropriate, an action item for your listener (or for you!) to follow.
4.            Also, don't forget to thank your listener. 

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